The April Monthly Special Subject
“Views from Yesteryear”
Show & Tell Postponed until
Monday 3rd June 2024

Dear David

The next Special Subject for 2024, for images taken in April is:

“Views from Yesteryear”

The Show and Tell evening was planned for 6th May.
However, there has not been much interest so far.
There has been only 2 members’ uploads to the website
One of those is mine and I will now be away on Show & Tell Day.

Another regular player is also going to be away on Monday so I have decided we should postpone this week’s Show & Tell.
We will keep the subject going and move the Show & Tell to Monday 3rd June

Hope that doesn’t disappoint too many folk!

Upload your images here:

Photos should have to be taken within one month of the project evening.
In order to take part you need to submit up to 6 images to the online meeting.
Upload them to the website as described below or share them at the meeting.

The project evenings are continuing with online Zoom meetings for the time being.
As we don’t need to travel into town the sessions will start at 7:00pm.
The Zoom Code for Special Subjects stays is unchanged.
First Monday of the month, 7:00 start
Meeting ID: 833 1507 2596
Passcode: 456062

The maximum number of images per member is SIX but less than six is OK!
All images should have been taken in the current month!
(The idea being to get folk to go take pictures with their interpretation of the theme in mind rather than just looking through their back catalogue).

Upload your images on the club website where the drop-down menu now has an item for “Special Set Subjects”
Here is a shortcut:
Please load up your images before 15:00 on the day so I there is time to sort them out for displaying….
Some members would like to show their own images by screen-sharing on the meeting night rather than upload them to the website.
That’s OK. Just have your images loaded and ready for display so you don’t keep others waiting!

This is not a competition, it’s an informal “show and tell” project, but it may help you improve and  build up some competition material.
Be prepared to give a brief description of your interpretation of the subject and a give a bit of information about how you image was captured, adjusted, etc.
Get constructive comments from other members.
The idea is to go out (or stay in!) and take new pictures.
So photos should have to be taken within one month of the project evening.

Only a few rules but here they are:
A random subject is chosen.
You take some photos based on your interpretation of the subject.
Upload at least one (max 6) images to the current Special Subject web gallery page.
Then join in on the Zoom project evening and show what you have done, how you did it give comments and get feedback.
Digital images should be JPEG format (Max 1600px wide, 1200px high, sRGB) as for club competition projection.

For upload you will need a user name and password.
If you haven’t already got one then you need to register.
To do that you will need a six-figure PIN Code – 270420
Your user name should be firstname(dot)surname in small letters.

If you have any suggestions to help improve the online experience please let us know.
Join in and  meet up!

Roger Hinton
BACC Secretary